Uptime monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

There are existing services like pingdom or uptimerobot to check if your network services are up and running. But as always I like to be independent of service providers and host as much by myself as possible. So let’s build our own uptime monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, alertmanager and the Prometheus blackbox-exporter. The general idea is to check if a service is up with the blackbox-exporter. Then scrape this metrics with Prometheus and store it for further usage. Build a simple dashboard with Grafana for visualization and finally setup alerting with alertmanager. As this uses a few projects on the Prometheus ecosystem, this is a perfect example on how to integreate these different components. ...

July 27, 2022 · 5 min · 1033 words · André Sterba

Transform your Raspberry Pi into a Apple Time Capsule

This is a short guide (and reminder for myself) how to add a Samba share as target for macOS Time Machine. I found some blog posts about how to do this, but most of the time the author created a new disk on the share 1 2. This seems like a rather unusual complicated setup to do backups and there are products like the Apple Time Capsule, that works via network discovery. I actually found a blog post (which I can’t anymore), how to set up Avahi to announce a share as Time Capsule. ...

November 23, 2021 · 3 min · 555 words · André Sterba

Backups with borg/borgmatic

I am a big fan of the backup tool borgbackup. Borg is space efficient as it supports compression and deduplication and is also secure, so you don’t have to trust the storage provider where your backup will be stored. In this short guide we will setup automatic backups for a server. But most of it can also be used to backup your clients. An addition to borg I use the wrapper borgmatic which will remove any custom scripts needed around borg. Everything related to backups will be stored in a single configuration file that configures borgmatic which will then perform borg operations. ...

April 21, 2021 · 5 min · 966 words · André Sterba