Terraform and env variables

If you work with Terraform you might know the struggle setting the right environment variables. Especially if you work with different Terraform configurations on a daily basis. I found 2 tools (or a tool and a script) to make this much easier. The first is direnv which automagically sources env variables stored in a .envrc file if you change in a managed directory. $ mkdir direnv-test $ echo "export mykey=wasd" >> ....

January 8, 2021 · 2 min · 282 words · André Sterba

SSH Agents

With every installation of a new system I struggle setting up an ssh-agent. Although it only requires 4 simple steps I somehow manage to always miss at least one of them. I use a systemd user unit to start the ssh-agent as I don’t want to manage services with shell scripts or in my sway config, if avoidable. This is more or less exactly what can be found in the Arch wiki....

January 3, 2021 · 1 min · 195 words · André Sterba


Welcome to my blog! I’ve wanted to start a blog for a long time, but I’ve never done it because of unclear reasons. So here it is! technical details The blog is created with hugo and the papermod theme. I use GitLab-CI to build a container that is pushed into the GitLab container registry. Caddy is used to serve the blog (as reverse proxy in front of the container) and to handle TLS....

December 31, 2020 · 1 min · 176 words · André Sterba